Thursday, January 22, 2009

Handling Modal window with Selenium

To unblock Selenium when Modal Window appears on the screen.

Internet Explorer has provided additional function, showModalDialog, to deal with Modal type windows. When we open a window using showModalDialog the java-script execution gets suspended till the window gets closed. With this feature in place parent window can set itself under wait state expecting return value from the popup window. The popup window before closing itself needs to set its returnValue property, which will be used by the parent window. A sample code is given below.

<script type="”text/javascript”">
function getUser5()
var retValue=window.showModalDialog('popup.htm','',…);
<a id="'btnModal2'" onclick="return getUser5();">Open Popup</a>


function dosubmit()

<form id="'frm'">
Name<input id="txtName" title="Your Google Toolbar can fill this in for you. Select AutoFill" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffa0"></input>
<a id="'btnClose'" onclick="return dosubmit();">Submit</a>

In above example, the parent window opens up a modal window and waits for the modal to return some value. The user enters some text in textbox on the modal window and clicks the link button. The link button calls the javascript to set the returnValue and the closes itself. The return value received by parent is used for further execution.

Problem with Selenium:
Selenium works on Javascript. It needs to move its handle across windows to perform its operation. When showModalDialog is called the javascript gets suspended for the parent. Selenium whose handle is still pointing the parent window also gets suspended. As a result all the successive commands in Selenium script ultimately get suspended.

Possible workaround:
To retain the normal flow of the selenium the only solution left is to bypass showModalDialog call with normal function call. This can be achieved by defining a global function as shown below:

window.showModalDialog = function( sURL, vArguments, sFeatures)
if(retVal!=null) return retVal;
modalWin =, 'modal', sFeatures)

However return value from these popup could not be tracked as these windows do not have returnValue parameter. This can be overcome by writing extra line of code using selenium script to get the required value from the popup window.
Let’s consider a simple javascript function that opens up a modal window into three sections:

function processModal ()
Var returnValue = Open Modal window

Opening a window with this function unblocks the Selenium. However the Postscript gets executed too early. Assuming Postscript doesn’t do any function with null set to returnValue, we can invoke the processModal twice. The first time it will open the popup and fetch the value from it. The next time it will bypass any window open executing just the Postscript based on the return value captured during the first run.

Based on above consideration I have written three functions:

  • ClickAndSelectModalDialog: This function accepts the control id on clicking which the modal dialog opens. It bypasses the modal call to open non-Modal window. It also moves the handle to the popup.

  • public bool ClickAndSelectModalDialog(string controlId)
    if (ClickForModalDialog(controlId))
    string jscript = "";
    jscript += "if(selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().close){";
    jscript += "window.attachEvent(\"onbeforeunload\", function _selhandler(){";
    jscript += "if(window.opener && window.opener._UTL_SetSelRetVar){";
    jscript += "window.opener._UTL_SetSelRetVar(window.returnValue);";
    jscript += "}});}";
    return true;
    else throw new Exception("Error occured while opening a modal window.");
    catch (Exception exc)
    throw new Exception("Error occured while Clicking and selecting a modal window.", exc);

    public bool ClickForModalDialog(string controlId)
    string jscript = "";
    jscript = "typeof(window.g_selRetVar) != 'undefined' ? window.g_selRetVar : 'undefined'";
    string modalValue = _selObj.GetEval(jscript);
    Log.Info("Modal Return value is " + modalValue);
    { //Bypass showModalDialog call
    jscript = "if(selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().showModalDialog){";
    { // Define variable g_selRetVar
    jscript += "if (typeof(selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().g_selRetVar) == 'undefined') selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().g_selRetVar = null;";
    { //Define function _UTL_SetSelRetVar
    jscript += "selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow()._UTL_SetSelRetVar = function (val){ window.g_selRetVar = val; window.status = window.g_selRetVar + ' is returned from child';};";
    jscript += "selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().showModalDialog = function( sURL, vArguments, sFeatures)";
    jscript += "{if ((typeof(window.g_selRetVar) != 'undefined') && (window.g_selRetVar!=null)) {var temp = window.g_selRetVar; window.g_selRetVar = null; return temp;}";
    jscript += "selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().open(sURL, 'modal', sFeatures);";
    jscript += "};}";

    _modalControl = controlId;
    if (modalValue == null || modalValue == "" || modalValue == "undefined")
    WaitForPopUp("modal", "60000");

    return true;
    catch (Exception exc)
    throw new Exception("Unable to open modal window.", exc);

    public bool AcceptModalValue()
    _modalControl = "";
    Log.Info(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " : Parent window accepted value from Modal window.");
    return true;


    Consider Page to be the object of Class that defines above method and other Selenium methods.(Wrapper class)

    //Open/Select Modal Window
    Page.ClickAndSelectModalDialog("//a[@title='Change domain']");
    //Perform on Modal Wiondow
    string xpath = "//INPUT[contains(@value,'Global')]";
    //Perform on Modal Wiondow Continued...
    //Select Parent Window
    //Invoke parent to accept Madal value

    Note: If you want to handle this globally you need to add this code in your selenium jar file. The steps are given under Changing Selenium Jar to globally handle Modal Dialog box
    Download modified Selenium RC


    1. Hi, can you send me where specific you changed the code? Was It on the page or on the Selenium files?

    2. Above functions are included in a wrapper class that wraps DefaultSelenium of Selenium RC.The wrapper class is a framework implementation in C#. Last code shows how one can use make a call to the framework.

    3. Hi, where I have to save the JavaScript Code above? In which file I mean? In user-extensions.js? Thanks for your help in advance.

    4. If you are using Selenium RC, with your preferred language bridge, selenium exposes a function called GetEval(jScript) which can be used to execute any javascript command. In above example I am using this function to inject javascript function. However you can directly filter and place the javascript code into your js file and get the script working.

    5. I got implement these codes in Java and click on the link to open the modalWindow as non-modalWindow, however, selenium commands were not able to click on the non-ModalWindow opened, also, I have tried to use the selenium command "getAllWindowNames()" and it just found the main window not the "modal" one.
      Do you have any idea why it happened?
      I'm running it on Selenium RC using *iehta and *iexplore. How are you running yours?


    6. Please verify if you could overcome the modal behavior or not. You can do this by moving on to main window (manually) when popup is opened. (Ideally modal behavior doesn't allow you to do this.) If you get success in this, I think you are missing call to SelectTopWindow behavior.(This function is also included at )

    7. Did you run this change using IE, Firefox or any browser else?

      Thank you,

    8. This is well Tested for IE. Other browsers do not have problem of Modal Windows

    9. I think i will get there when i can overwrite the window.showModalDialog function as you did in your 'possible workaround' but I have no idea where to put the code for this to work.

      Any suggestions perhaps? Would be a big help...

    10. If you are using Selenium RC, with your preferred language bridge, selenium exposes a function called GetEval(jScript) which can be used to execute any javascript command. In above example I am using this function to inject javascript function. However you can directly filter and place the javascript code into your user-extensions.js file and get the script working.
      In the code above the first piece of code is inside the framework. (Wrapper around DefaultSelenium). And the second piece of code shows how the framework function call is being made. If you still have a doubt, do let me know how you are using Selenium for testing your application.
      Note: There will be no change in the AUT code.

    11. Hi there

      Sorry, I probably should have been more specific. I ofcourse already read all other comments and tried to put it into the user-extensions.js file.

      I am at the moment using Selenium RC (with PHP language bridge). The problem I have is that the website where I am doing tests with, opens a ModalDialog box through the body onload. I have tried both the GetEval function and the user-extensions file, but it seems neither of them changes the function to what I would like to have.

      I have tried this so far:

      window.showModalDialog = function( sUrl, vArguments, sFeatures) { alert(sUrl); }

      To see if it works, but no luck so far.

      Thank you for your help already!

    12. I'm using Selenium IDE.

    13. HI Mr. Amit Vibhuti

      I have some question regarding to pop-up window handling in Selenium RC fir IE7, can I please have your email address that I can send you an email? I cannot post question here since there is a limit characters that I can type...

      My email:



    14. Mr. Anonymous (July 16, 2009)
      Where are you writing the mentioned code snippet. And which browser are you using.

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. hey Amit i am able to get the control of the modal box & perform operation however i am unable to pass on the value back to the parent window.

      Here is the scenario:

      In the AUT there is a filed where user need to select date using calendar this field is read only & mandatory, the only way user can proceed is to select date from calendar window.

      after applying the solution u gave i am able to control the calendar box & select however i m unable to pass the value back to parent window.

      any suggestion on this..

    17. If you are able to do operation on modal window, you are just an inch away from getting the returned value. Call acceptmodalvalue after selectng the parent window. Also you need to be sure you are in the same frame wher you had been while opening the modal window. Infact acceptmodalvalue tries to click on the same button again that has opened the modal. This is the logic behind it.

    18. Hi amit,

      there are two different places where i the app the modalDialogboxes appear let me give example.

      Scenario one (which i have resolved): let's say ur filling a form where u have to fill date & the date filed is read only the only way to fill this is by clicking on the calendar image which in-turn opens (using modalDialogBox) a calendar the user select dates & proceeds further the date is populated with the field user has selected.

      Scenario two (un-resolved) : in the same form after filling all the details user click on ok/confirm/continue button this time again on clicking of this button there is a pop-up which says that user is registered successfully user need to click on the ok/confirm/continue button to proceed. This time around if i look at the on-click event it does not show me any modalDialogbox event as this time this is not done from the client's end it is performed from the server & the server return a confirmation inform of a modalDialogbox. In this case i am unable to recognize the pop-up.

      Any suggestion on how to tackle this situation

      thanks in advance
      Listener's vision

    19. i am using SeleniumRC with Java as the bridge.What is the function i have to call after pasting all the three methods in the userextensions.js.i tried like this
      selenium.getEval("(ClickAndSelectModalDialog("//a[@title='Selection lookup']")");

      but i am not able to do it as the editor eclipse is not allowing me to, as i am getting a syntax error

    20. hi Amit,

      i am able to get the control of the modal box & perform operation however i am unable to pass on the value back to the parent window.The result of operation i have performed on the modal window is not reflected on the parent window. (i am working on a sharepoint site where the new web parts are added by selecting the items from the modal window)

    21. Hi,

      It seems that your work around works by changing the application code if I'm right. What if you don't have access to the application code or you don't want to change it? what should be done in that case?

    22. Application code is not required to change. We are changing the selenium server rather. Follow following link for more detail

    23. I try to add the code above in my user-extensions.js file.
      However it is not working. I have the same problem that the comment of 24 february.
      My code is

      But when I run my test in Eclipse, I have a syntax error.

      What's wrong ?

    24. Modified Selenium Server has been added in the post.

    25. Hi Amit,
      My Application is using window.dialogArguments to access few params when called through window.showModalDialog(sURL, vArguments, sFeatures). If we override this API, then I am no longer able to access the 2nd arg 'window.dialogArguments'. Is there any way we can pass this to pop-up window.

      Thanks in Advance

    26. Anil,
      In the latest modified selenium server we have handled the window.dialogArguments. Please follow this link.

    27. Hi.
      I've found your solution very help. But there's one problem - when trying to switch to new window, selenium just doesn't see it. I use Selenium RC 2.0, IE8. I work with Java and trying to find new window with selenium.getAllWindowTitles() / getAllWindowIds() / getAllWindowNames() but debugging shows selenium doesn't see it, only the other browser windows used in the tested app. I've searched for solutions, but hasn't found any yet? Maybe you could have some ideas?

    28. If you go through below url
      you will find that there are certain scenario where a window is not recognised by selenium. Hope your scenario is falling in this.

    29. I'm sorry, I possibly didn't describe the problem properly. So: I use your bystep, and a usual non-modal window is opened. But Selenium can't see this new window at all (i've described the ways to do it in previuos post).
      Then I tried "selenium.browserbot.openWindow(...)" instead of "selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().open(...)" but got "Permition denied" error, linked to selenium-browserbot.js when clicking a button that closes the window.
      I've read the link you proposed but didn't manage to find anything similar to my case. Maybe you could help me in this?
      Thanks in advance )

    30. This solution doesnt seem to work for me. I tried all combinations. I used the modified jar, copied the modified modalPopupDialog function in browser-bot.js, but to no avail. Can anybody here please enlighten us as to what might be the solution? Thanks in advance.

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